Privacy Policy

CyberShell Consulting Inc. (“CyberShell” or “we”) helps organizations with their cybersecurity strategy and execution. We are based in the City of Montreal, Quebec, Canada.  CyberShell is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy and complying with the principles of applicable data protection laws.  We collect, use and disclose information on a daily basis in order to render our services.  We use all information, especially personal information, in accordance with the highest ethical standards.

1. Purpose of this Policy

This Privacy Policy aims to help you understand the personal information collection, use, disclosure and retention practices of CyberShell. By providing personal information to us (whether via our website, by email, in person or over the phone), you agree to the processing set out in this Privacy Policy as well as authorize CyberShell, its third parties and service providers to process your personal information for the purposes set out below.

This Privacy Policy does not cover third-party websites linked from our site. CyberShell is not liable for these external sites or their privacy practices. Please review their policies before accessing such third party websites submitting any personal information.

2. Collection of Your Personal Information

Our services and solutions are mostly addressed to companies and other organizations. If we need to collect your personal information, it will be collected during interactions with you, in particular:

during the course of providing services to you, which you voluntarily provided;

- during the course of providing services to you, which you voluntarily provided;

- from third parties and as agents on behalf of our clients where we or they have obtained the requisite consent, or as otherwise permitted or required by law; and

- during the recruitment process such as when you apply for a job.

We also collect information publicly available notably in public platforms such as social media and the web in general (including our website).

3. Type of Personal Information

Generally, personal information does not include your name, business address or business contact information, such as your business title, email address or phone numbers, which you provide to us for business purposes. In operating our business and providing services, we may collect various personal information types, including:

- Names and contact details (address, email, phone number).

- Biographical (job title, employer, photos, videos, audio).

- Financial (billing address, bank account, payment details).

- Service-related information (details provided to you).

- Recruitment-related (CV, education, employment history, professional memberships).

- Website usage (visit details, cookies, online interactions). See our Cookies Policy.

- Information from or about our clients, potentially including sensitive data (racial/ethnic origin, political opinions, etc.), with necessary consent.

- Consent records and any other provided personal information.

We do not intentionally collect personal information from individuals under 16. Minors should not submit personal data without a parent's or guardian's consent. Parents or guardians aware of their children providing us with personal information should contact us. Upon discovering any data collected from minors without proper consent, we will promptly delete it from our servers.

4. Use of Your Personal Information

CyberShell collects, uses and discloses personal information primarily to provide our services to clients and prospective clients, for administrative and relationship management purposes (including to develop and manage our knowledge management systems, and to market and deliver services) and as otherwise permitted or required by law.

We may from time to time use third party service providers to perform certain functions for us, such as office services and data processing. In these circumstances, such third-party service providers are contractually bound to safeguard the personal information transferred to them with measures comparable to that provided by us and described in this Policy and not to retain, use or disclose personal information transferred to them for any purpose other than the provision of services to CyberShell.  CyberShell does not sell Personal Information.

5. Transfer of Personal Information

We may provide your personal information to our service providers and partners which can be located outside of the Province of Quebec (Canada).  We may also disclose your personal information to fulfill a legal obligation or to enforce our rights.

We may also share personal information with certain third parties such as:

- Third-party service providers and/or vendors who provide website, application development, hosting, maintenance, and other technological services to us. Other third-party service providers and/or vendors assist us with human resources management and marketing activities. These third parties may have access to, or process personal information as part of providing those services for us. We limit the information provided to these service providers to that which is reasonably necessary for them to perform their functions, and our contracts with them require them to maintain the confidentiality of such information.

- Law enforcement and governmental entities when required by law.

- An acquirer, successor or assignee as part of any merger, acquisition, debt financing, sale of assets, or similar transaction, as well as in the event of an insolvency, bankruptcy, or receivership in which information is transferred to one or more third parties as one of our business assets.

- We will only use personal information to fulfil the primary purpose and applicable legitimate purpose it was collected for, or for a purpose compatible with that primary purpose.

We will only keep personal information for as long as reasonably necessary to fulfil the relevant purposes set out in this Policy Privacy and in order to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations. If you would like further information regarding the periods for which personal information will be kept, please contact us as set forth in the “Contact us” section.

6. Storage of Your Personal Information

Your personal information is currently hosted in Canada.

7. Security of your Personal Information

We employ widely recognized industry standards to safeguard your personal information, both when it's transmitted to us and after we receive it. Our protective measures include physical, technical, and administrative safeguards to prevent unauthorized access, loss, misuse, or other misuse of your personal data. Access to your personal information is limited to employees who need to know that information for business purposes and who are bound by confidentiality obligations.

However, it is important to acknowledge that no transmission method over the Internet or electronic storage solution is entirely secure. While we strive to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security. Transmitting personal information to us is done at your own risk, and we cannot assure you that such information will always remain private despite our efforts.

8. Your Rights

Under applicable laws, you have several rights concerning your personal information:

- Access: Request whether we process your personal information and, if so, access it.

- Correction and Accuracy: Ask to correct inaccurate information and ensure your data is complete and up-to-date.

- Automated Decisions: Contest decisions made solely by automated processes and request a manual review.

- Erasure: Request deletion of your data in certain circumstances, barring legal or contractual requirements.

- Objection: Object to processing based on legitimate interests or for direct marketing purposes.

- Portability: Request the transfer of your data in a portable format.

- Restriction: Pause processing of your data under certain conditions.

- Withdrawal of Consent: Withdraw your consent affecting future data processing.

Additionally, you have the right to complain to a data protection authority in your region regarding our data practices.

9. Contact Us

For any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy or personal information, to exercise any applicable rights, to make a complaint, or to obtain information about our policies and practices with respect to any service providers outside Canada, our Privacy Officer can be reached by email at or by mail using the following contact information:

CyberShell Consulting Inc.

Attn: Privacy Officer

22 Nelson Avenue, Montreal, Quebec, H2V3Z6


10. Updates and Changes

We may change the content of our websites and how we use cookies without notice and consequently our Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy may change from time to time in the future. We therefore encourage you to review them whenever you visit the website to stay informed of how we are processing personal information.

This Privacy Policy was last updated February 7, 2024.

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